New Jersey Traffic Laws & NJ Criminal Statutes
- NJSA 39:4-211.
- NJSA 39:4-212
- NJSA 39:4-213
- NJSA 39:4-214
- NJSA 39:4-215
- NJSA 39:4-216.
- NJSA 39:5-1
- NJSA 39:5-2.
- NJSA 39:5-3.
- NJSA 39:5-5.
- NJSA 39:5-6.
- NJSA 39:5-7
- NJSA 39:5-9
- NJSA 39:5-11.
- NJSA 39:5-20.
- NJSA 39:5-22.
- NJSA 39:5-24.
- NJSA 39:5-25
- NJSA 39:5-25.1
- NJSA 39:5-27.
- NJSA 39:5-28.
- NJSA 39:5-30
- NJSA 39:5-30a.
- NJSA 39:5-30b.
- NJSA 39:5-30c
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Disclaimer: This privately owned database is unannotated and
possibly may include laws that have not become operable yet due to unmet
expired, have been ruled inoperable by a NJ court, or have otherwise become inoperable. Users should clarify all data and read applicable state
statute source law, and case law. The attorney listing is a paid advertisement and is not intended to be a source
of legal advice. You should make your own efforts to verify the quality of any NJ traffic, DWI, or criminal